Jubilee Song by Marmie Selby-Hele, 1851

Jubilee Song

compiled by Marmie Selby-Hele in 1851
(no. 15 in picture)

The day of days is now arrived, Each daughter and each son
Are met to celebrate this day, Our number thirty-one
Where old associations tend To crown the chosen site
Let old and young with willing tongue harmoniously unite
And truly say, on this glad day – Our union is our might.

Those two have now liberal hand brought round this festive board
Their children and grandchildren save he who is abroad
Though pleasure must to duty bend, yet from our mental sight
Nought can shut out the sailor, dear to all who here unite
So still we may most truly say Our union is our might

But unto God all praise we give for every blessing shed
To Him present as justly due this tribute freely paid
While as we are assembled here, with love divinely bright
Let old and young e’en every tongue harmoniously unite
And truly say, on their glad day Our union is our might.

Health, happiness, prosperity, Oh! long may all enjoy
And amity amongst us reign, no discord e’er annoy
As enmity is unknown here We join with more delight
Both old and young for every tongue harmoniously unite
And truly say on this glad day Our union is our might.

We’ve scattered been, far lands have seen, but here we’ve met once more
Jehovah’s throne for all that’s known we next may meet before
But being here assembled, with one heart we will proclaim
This day of days calls forth our praise To hail this gladsome sight
And old and young sing every tongue, ‘Tis union gives us might.

Full fifty years have floated by and those who stood alone,
Can muster now a numerous band their honoured heads to crown
And as we sit around them here It is but just and right
That every tongue both old and young harmoniously unite
And truly say on this glad day Our union is our might.

Upright they are in word and deed, to all around them just
A blessing to posterity, Their name is one to trust
Their children’s children here do join, with pleasure and delight,
And old and young we every tongue harmoniously unite
And truly say on this glad day Our union makes our might

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